Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The New New Recruiting model

We're doing some pretty exciting stuff over at Continuity Partners these days. Basically we're trying to blend some "old school" recruiting techniques with some of the newer methods. Here's how:

One of the biggest misconceptions people have about recruiters in the finance IT space is that we know most (all) of the hiring managers. Not true. Most recruiters try to fake it with dropping names here and there -- "I'm going to introduce to Peter Carr's group" or "Has anyone spoken to you about Rohit D'Souza's group." Sometimes people know a particular company particularly well. Or the oldest trick in the book -- "You work in equity derivs at Citibank. Do you work for Tom Jones (a fake manager name)" and then the candidate responds with the actual manager's name and you recruit him.

We're going to change all that. Now that the tools are available -- Google, databases, etc. -- we are going to get to know every single person in front office technology at every major bank and hedge fund. Think about it. Who would you want to work with on a job search -- a recruiter with some knowledge of one or two clients or a recruiter who knows every front office person in the industry -- both managers and your future coworkers? That is what is going to set CPI apart from every other firm in the business.

For the next 20 weeks (that's how many we have left in the year) my goal is to make contact with 50 new people every week. That's 1000 new contacts who I can help either today or tomorrow or years down the road. So, if you get a call from me at work or at home or you get an e-mail from me, I just want to get to know you.

Let's talk.

1 comment:

dustpuppy said...

What kind of information system do you guys have over at continuity partners ?
For an organization your size and because of the unstructured nature of the data that you need to keep track of, I would expect a wiki would do the job really well.