Thursday, August 30, 2007

Typing while talking

Had a candidate caught up in this, should add to the list. And I blew it by not warning him. Client called "we're going to pass, we thought he was googling the answers." Googling the answers, oh, wait, that's because he's a compulsive computer note taker, he's always taking notes with his PC while he's on the phone with me! Client, "nice try Keenan."
Well, that got us to thinking -- when speaking to recruiters, I fingers are flying on the keys. Does that sound like we're not paying attention? Let me know


dustpuppy said...

My take on this:
if google returns the answers, then the candidate doesn't need to memorize them.

I would tell the client that they need to come up with smarter questions, not things that could be memorized (yet are useless since in this day and age, the info can be located in seconds)

Unknown said...

Hi Mate,

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A Security group is just like a firewall, it controls the inbound and outbound traffic in and out of your instance. The command mentioned says to create a security group, and its function is the same. Moving along, once your security group is created, you can add different rules to it.

But nice Article Mate! Great Information! Keep up the good work!


Unknown said...


I am shocked, shocked, that there is such article exist!! But I really think you did a great job highlighting some of the key "Typing while talking" in the entire space.

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Super likes !!! for this amazing post. I thinks everyone should bookmark this.

Thanks a heaps,
Irene Hynes

Unknown said...

OlĂ ,

Your writing shines! There is no room for gibberish here clearly you have explained about "Typing while talking". Keep writing!

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